Don’t forget to label the belongings of the youngest children

Even though your child is not very old, they surely have a lot of equipment and clothes to keep track of. We don’t guarantee that life with small children will be a walk in the park with names in the clothes, but it will definitely make it easier to keep track of their belongings. Especially when the child starts daycare or school.

Therefore, you should label the belongings of the little one with their name.

A young child can’t keep track of their own things. They need parents, grandparents, teachers, and other adults to help them. When your child starts daycare or school, there are many other children who also have jackets, snowsuits, hats, and mittens of the same size – and even if they’re not exactly the same, there’s guaranteed to be a lot that looks similar. When there are names on their belongings, it’s much easier for all the adults responsible for the child to find the right belongings. It helps the teachers in daycare and school to put the child’s things in the right place.

When you’re out of the house

When you take your child to the playground, library, indoor play area, café, or the woods with their playgroup, you probably bring a diaper bag, spare clothes, and food on the trip. Maybe even their favorite stuffed animal. With clothes that need to be taken on and off, diaper changes, and toys that get thrown out of the stroller, it’s easy to lose or forget one or more belongings. Especially if the child suddenly gets upset or tired. If you have labeled your child’s belongings in advance, it’s easy to recognize their things in case you need to pack up quickly. It’s also easy for others to return the belongings to you if you happen to forget something.

How to label belongings with names in an easy way

There are different solutions when you want to label your child’s belongings with their name.

Name labels are by far the easiest solution. You can use the name labels from Ikast Etikett (also known as fabric stickers) on almost anything in the family. The name labels work like stickers and are very easy to use – no need to sew or iron. Just stick the name labels on woven labels when using them on clothes. The name labels are, of course, able to withstand multiple rounds in the washing machine.

An alternative to fabric stickers is iron-on name labels. Iron-on labels are EXTREMELY durable and almost impossible to remove from clothes. If you often sell your child’s outgrown clothes, it would be a good idea to use the name labels.

We have previously mentioned using name labels on clothes. But in fact, you can also use the smart labels on lunch boxes, bottles, pacifiers, and toys, because just like they withstand machine washing, they also withstand daily trips in the dishwasher or being boiled if you put them on pacifiers or bottles.

At Ikast Etikett, you can try name labels for free. You can order a baby package at You only need to pay for the shipping. If you need other types of labeling, you can also find bottle labels to put on the outside of containers.

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