Make Last Day of School a Fun and Safe Event with Wristbands
Last day of school should be a good and memorable day for the students saying goodbye to primary school. In recent years, there has been increased focus in the public debate on creating good and safe environments for the students. Many schools and parents also have a strong desire for the young people to not drink excessively. This can be achieved either by completely excluding alcohol from the parties or by minimizing and controlling alcohol consumption.
Create a safe environment with access control
Whether you are holding the party at school or privately, whether it is a small or large party, it is a good idea to ensure that there are clear guidelines for the festivities. A party with 50 students can quickly turn into a party with 85 if there is no form of access control. As a parent, you may know most of the classmates, but if suddenly there are five young people dressed as gorillas and princesses, it is not easy to know if they are in the same class or from another school in town. A control wristband on the students’ wrists makes it easy for parents, teachers, or guards to constantly see if a student is actually part of the party. Paper wristbands (tyvek wristbands) are a good solution, both in terms of price and security.

When the students arrive at the party, you attach the wristband to each student’s wrist, so it cannot be taken off without breaking the wristband. This way, you ensure that students do not give their wristbands to others.
You can also provide wristbands to parents, teachers, and other helpers in a different color. This way, you know exactly which adults have access to the party. It creates a sense of security for both students and parents to know that no adults can enter the party who have no business being there.
If multiple classes are attending your last day of school party, you may consider creating wristbands with different prints or simply in different colors. You can also write the class on the wristbands with a marker.

Always inform students and parents in advance about the guidelines for the party. It is reassuring to know how the party will proceed and what is acceptable or not.
Little or no alcohol?
Whether the students should be allowed to consume alcohol or not is entirely up to you as parents and teachers to decide. But we would like to share a little tip with you to make it easier to keep track of alcohol consumption. On the paper wristbands, you can create X number of checkboxes. Each time a student is given a drink, you can check off a box – and when the student has consumed their allotted drinks, they can only have non-alcoholic drinks for the rest of the evening. This solution works whether the students bring their own drinks for distribution or if they can buy alcohol at a bar – or if the drinks have been pre-paid.
Another good alternative is to create delicious and fancy non-alcoholic drinks that are more fun and festive than Pepsi Max or sparkling water.

Cheap wristbands for a small budget
If you have a small budget, it is recommended to choose our misprinted wristbands. Here, 50 wristbands cost less than 50 kroner. At this price, you get wristbands with full functionality but they may have a logo or text from another event. When ordering misprinted wristbands, as a default, all wristbands will be the same, but you can request them in different colors. Order misprinted paper wristbands here: h and select “Fejltrykte” in the dropdown menu.