Cork: The Sustainable Choice
At Ikast Etikett, you will find both cork bracelets with text and logo and cork lanyards as part of our sustainable range of products – and there is a good reason for that. Cork is a highly sustainable choice. But maybe you’re wondering, “cork, what is it?” and “why does it have sustainable properties?” You can read more about it below:
Cork comes from the cork oak, which is a tree. In Norway, we usually know cork from bulletin boards or trivet mats. The cork oak grows in the Mediterranean region, especially in Portugal. Cork has long been less appreciated, but its sustainable properties, along with new production capabilities, have made cork an attractive material once again.

What sustainable properties does cork have?
Cork is brilliant from a sustainability perspective. The cork oak actually absorbs more CO2 than it emits – even when taking into account the transportation and production of cork products. At the same time, cork contributes greatly to the biodiversity in the large areas where cork grows. In fact, cork forests are one of 35 biodiversity hotspots, just like the Amazon rainforest, the African savanna, and Borneo.
How is cork produced?
The cork is harvested from the cork oak and left to dry, before being used for a myriad of different products. A cork oak tree must be 25 years old before its cork bark can be harvested for the first time. Only the bark from the tree is used, so the farmers peel off the cork from the tree. When the bark is harvested, it is dry and easy to separate from the trunk. After 9 years, the same tree can be harvested again. This gentle harvesting also contributes to the tree’s sustainable properties. Cork trees can live up to 200 years, allowing for harvesting from the same tree 15-18 times in its lifetime.
What is cork used for?
Cork is a fascinating material because it can be used for many different things. In Norway, many are familiar with cork stoppers from wine bottles, brown bulletin boards, and trivet mats, but cork can be used for much more than that – and the interest in cork has been growing in recent years. The world-famous Sagrada Familia church in Barcelona has cork flooring. Gaudi chose cork, among other reasons, because it helps create good acoustics. Cork is also increasingly being used in modern buildings. New production capabilities have made it possible to make cork resemble wood, such as oak and walnut, so cork has become an attractive material in new buildings such as floor coverings. Even NASA has taken notice of cork, using it for insulation to protect against fire and ice.

Sustainable lanyards and bracelets made of cork
At Ikast Etikett, we are proud to offer beautiful cork lanyards and cork bracelets as part of our sustainable product range. The cork products are truly beautiful and stand out from the crowd of bracelets and lanyards. At the same time, they are extremely durable, and a cork lanyard only becomes more beautiful with use. You can also confidently choose a cork bracelet as an access wristband. They are very durable, and you don’t have to worry about safety.