Team OneToThree’s custom-designed jerseys for the national championship in agility

When Team OneToThree competes in the national championship in agility as a team, all four handlers will wear the same team jersey. Marie Ehrenreich, together with her small team, has designed the team jersey. Marie has included the team’s logo and sponsors on the jersey. To get the team logo and the logo of “Den lille hundeshop” (The Little Dog Shop) on the jerseys, Marie has chosen iron-on patches with logos, where the entire surface is a patch. This type of iron-on patches is ideal for logos and layouts with many details.

The iron-on patches can be designed in the same shade as the jersey or, as seen in the picture, in a contrasting color to draw attention to the logo on the black jersey.

For the team name “Næsbjerg Gulve”, Marie has chosen iron-on patches without background. Iron-on patches without background look great when you want to have text on clothing, just like in the picture. Marie could also have chosen to have a logo like “Den lille hundeshop” made as an iron-on patch without background, for example in white. The logo lends itself well to that.

Iron-on patches make it easy to design your own team jerseys

Getting professionally designed team jerseys can be expensive and time-consuming, especially for small teams without a lot of sponsors. At Ikast Etiket, we have noticed a growing trend of smaller teams designing their own iron-on patches and iron-on patches without background. This can be for teams like Marie’s going to the national championship in agility, company teams participating in local races, scout groups going on camp, and other small sports teams who want jerseys with logos and text. From ordering your iron-on patches to having them in hand, it only takes 3-5 days, and you can easily apply the patches yourself with a regular iron.

Make it easy to identify team jerseys with names

With iron-on patches without background, it is also easy to have the participant’s name on jerseys, pants, or jackets. When designing iron-on patches without background, you define the size of a sheet. On the sheet, you can have space for multiple names or repetitions. But remember to double-check that the size of the names is as desired. If you prefer to have numbers on the team jerseys, that is of course what you would order instead.

The advantage of having your name on your own jersey is that you won’t mistake it for the jersey your teammate has sweated in. Additionally, some competitions may require that the participant’s name is visible.

Why design your own team jerseys?

Team jerseys play a central role in the world of sports. They are more than just part of the uniform; they represent a team’s identity and pride. From local clubs to professional teams, jerseys help foster a sense of community. For fans, the team jersey is a symbol of affiliation and passion for their team. It is a way to show support, both at the stadium and in daily life.

A team jersey can also become a symbol of victory, which the athlete will associate with the jersey for many years to come. Just think of the athletes or fans who don’t wash their jersey because they believe it is connected to good luck after wearing it during recent victories.

If you need help designing your own iron-on patches for your team jerseys, don’t hesitate to contact us at Ikast Etiket. We are always happy to advise you and help you choose the best iron-on patches based on your logo/text.

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